DOG COLLAR OR HARNESS: WHICH IS RIGHT FOR YOUR DOG? October 30, 2023Tail Blazers Which one of these pet care giants is the best option? Is the age-old dog collar or harness better? Which should you invest your money in? Which will work the...
9 SURPRISING DOG FACTS: DO YOU KNOW THEM October 30, 2023Tail Blazers 9 SURPRISING DOG FACTS: DO YOU KNOW THEM 1. INSANE SENSE OF SMELL (AND THREE MORE FACTS)! Many biologists argue a dog’s sense of smell is between 10,000 and 100,000...
DOG WEIGHT AND OBESITY October 30, 2023Tail Blazers Dog weight and obesity is an enormous problem! According to VCA Animal Hospitals, around 40-45% of American dogs weigh more than they should, with 25-30% obese. There are an estimated...
EASY DOG TRICKS FOR BEGINNERS October 30, 2023Tail Blazers Below, we’ll list 3-4 easy dog tricks for beginners even novices can master, with clear steps to follow! Remember to always be encouraging, cheerful and happy, showering your dog with...
HOW TO SAFELY CLEAN DOG TOYS October 27, 2023Tail Blazers Do you want to know how to safely clean dog toys? Are you sick and tired of that moldy, stinky Knog, but also afraid of harsh chemicals? Antibacterial cleaning agents,...
TOP 5 DOG FOOD INGREDIENTS YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR YOUR DOGS October 27, 2023Tail Blazers What are the top 5 dog food ingredients you should look for for your dogs? These can be confusing at times (which is often the goal, depending on the manufacturer),...
3 WAYS TO ENCOURAGE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN YOUR DOG October 27, 2023Tail Blazers Are you trying to play games with your dog, but just not sure where to go? Do you want to influence great behaviour and a loving personality? Check out these...
WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN BUYING A DOG COAT October 27, 2023Tail Blazers What should you look for when buying a dog coat? What is best for your particular situation? Have you considered everything before purchasing your own dog coat? 1. SIZE When...
MYTH: A WAGGING DOG IS A FRIENDLY DOG October 26, 2023Tail Blazers WHAT A WAGGING TAIL REALLY MEAN? One of the most common misperceptions about dogs is the myth that a wagging tail means a dog is friendly and happy. It may...
HOW DOGS SEE THE WORLD – FACTS ABOUT DOGS COLOUR BLINDNESS October 26, 2023Tail Blazers The Idea of dogs being colourblind has been widely accepted for ages. However, recent research regarding canine anatomy and behaviour has proved that dogs can still see some colours even...